Icon Screens

St. Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Church, Santa Rosa, California:  Icon Screen painted 1998-2003

Icons on the Deisis Range (upper row, left to right):

St. Catherine
St. Herman of Alaska
St. Anthony the Great
St. Nicholas of Myra
St. Tikhon of Moscow
St. Peter the Apostle
Archangel Michael
Mother of God
Christ Enthroned
St. John the Forerunner
Archangel Gabriel
St. Paul the Apostle
St. Innocent of Alaska
St. John of San Francisco
St. Sergius of Radonezh
St. Silouan the Athonite
St. Barbara

Icons on the Local Range (lower row, left to right):

Deacons Door:
St. Lawrence and St. Stephen the Deacons

Mother of God

Holy Doors: 
St. Matthew
St. Mark
St. Luke
St. John

Our Saviour Jesus Christ

Deacons Door:
Archangels Michael & Gabriel